Choose one of the plans listed below:
  • Medical coverage: Up to $2,000,000
  • Air flight/Common carrier benefit: Up to $10,000
  • 24 Hour accident benefit: Up to $10,000
  • covers pre-existing conditions stable in 90 days prior policy start date
  • policy wordings
  • Details in list item 1
  • Details in list item 1
  • Details in list item 1
  • Details in list item 1
  • Medical coverage: Up to $2,000,000
  • Common carrier benefit: Up to $25,000
  • Accidental death & dismemberment: Up to $10,000
  • Covers stable pre-existing conditions
  • Policy wordings
  • Details in list item 1
  • Details in list item 1
  • Details in list item 1
  • Details in list item 1
  • Medical coverage: Up to $2,000,000
  • Common carrier benefit: Up to $100,000
  • Accidental death & dismemberment: Up to $25,000
  • Maternity coverage: Up to $10,000 (conditions apply)
  • Covers stable pre-existing conditions
  • Policy wordings
  • Details in list item 1
  • Details in list item 1
  • Details in list item 1
  • Details in list item 1
  • Medical coverage: Up to $2,000,000
  • Common carrier benefit: Up to $100,000
  • Accidental death & dismemberment: Up to $25,000
  • Maternity coverage: Up to $15,000 (conditions apply)
  • Covers stable pre-existing conditions
  • Policy wordings
  • Details in list item 1
  • Details in list item 1
  • Details in list item 1
  • Details in list item 1
  • Medical coverage range available from $15,000 to $200,000
  • Available for all ages
  • No coverage for pre-existing conditions
  • Reduced premium rates
  • No medical declaration required
  • Monthly payment option available with $100,000 or more coverage for one year.
  • Policy wordings
  • Medical coverage range available from $15,000 to $200,000
  • Available for all ages up to 85
  • No pre-existing conditions coverage if present in 180 days prior start date.
  • Comprehensive benefits package.
  • $25,000 Accidental Death & Dismemberment.
  • No medical declaration required
  • Monthly payment option available with $100,000 or more coverage for 365 days.
  • Policy wordings
  • Medical coverage range from $15,000 to $200,000
  • Available for all ages up to 85.
  • Covers pre-existing conditions if stable in 180 days prior start date.
  • Comprehensive benefits package.
  • $25,000 Accidental Death & Dismemberment.
  • Medical decaration required.
  • Monthly payment option available with $100,000 or more coverage for 365 days.
  • Policy wordings

All applicant(s) are eligible for insurance if:

  • at least 15 days old and less than 65 years of age; and
  • ineligible for benefits under a government health insurance plan; and
  • residing in Canada on a temporary basis; and
  • one of the following is applicable:
    1. a student attending classes on a full-time basis at a recognized Canadian institution of learning; or
    2. a student completing post-doctorate research in a recognized Canadian institution of learning; or
    3. the spouse or dependent child of the insured student and residing with them on a full-time basis; or
    4. the parent, legal guardian, teacher or chaperone of the insured student.
Are you eligible?

You are eligible for insurance plan if you have none of the following conditions:

  • are travelling against the advice of a physician.
  • have been diagnosed with a terminal illness with less than 2 years to live.
  • have been diagnosed with or received treatment within the past 2 years for pancreatic, lung, brain or liver cancer.
  • have ever been diagnosed with any type of cancer that has spread from one part or organ of the body to another (metastatic cancer).
  • have had or are waiting for an organ or bone marrow transplant (excluding corneal transplant).
  • have ever been diagnosed with Congestive Heart Failure.
  • have been prescribed or used home oxygen in the last 12 months.
  • require kidney dialysis.
  • reside in a nursing home, or long term care facility.
Are you eligible?

At the time of application, you are eligible for coverage if:

  • You are 69 years and under; and,
  • You are a full-time or part-time student enrolled in a school in Canada; and,
  • You are not travelling against a physician or other registered medical practitioner.

Note: If you have already left your home country at the time you are purchasing this insurance, and you have sought treatment since your departure and/or you are currently experiencing any symptoms that are new or worsening, there is no coverage with respect to the medical condition or symptom, related condition or symptom, or for any subsequent treatment related to the condition or symptom, except as specified in the policy wording under the Maternity benefit and under the heading Period of Coverage, sub-heading Top-up.

Are you eligible?

Insure Canada Plans Benefits

Benefits Standard Enhanced Premium
Policy Limit $2,000,000.00 $2,000,000.00 $2,000,000.00
Hospital Accomodation Up to semi private room Up to semi private room Up to semi private room
Medical services Included (no limit) Included (no limit) Included (no limit)
Diagnostic services Included (no limit) Included (no limit) Included (no limit)
Prescription drugs Up to 30 days per prescription Up to 30 days per prescription Up to 60 days per prescription
Private duty nurse Not available Included (no limit) Included (no limit)
Emergency dental $2,500 due to accident & 600 for pain $4,000 due to accident & 600 for pain $4,000 due to accident & 600 for pain
Medical appliances Not available Included (no limit) Included (no limit)
Emergency transportation Included (no limit) Included (no limit) Included (no limit)
Maternity Not available Up to $10,000 (conditions apply) Up to $15,000 (conditions apply)
Physical examination $150 for one exam per year $150 for one exam per year $150 for one exam per year
Eye examination $100 for one exam per year $100 for one exam per year $100 for one exam per year
Psychiatric/Psychological $500 per incident $1,000 per incident $1,000 per incident
Trauma counselling Not available 6 counselling sessions 6 counselling sessions
Corrective devices Not available $1,000 $1,000
Sexual health consultation Not available Not available $100 per year
Tutorial services Not available Not available $20 per hour, maximum $500
Repartriation of remains $5,000 $10,000 $10,000
Accidental death & dismemberment $10,000 $25,000 $25,000
Common carrier $25,000 $100,000 $100,000
* At Danforth Insurance, we offer comprehensive insurance plans that come with exclusive benefits during your stay in Canada. However, it is important to note that every insurance plan has its limitations, exclusions, conditions, and other terms that may impact the reimbursement you are entitled to. To gain a deeper understanding of our policies, please take a moment to review our detailed policy wordings: Policy document

Tugo Plan Benefits

Coverage up to $2 million including emergency medical treatment for COVID-19 sickness 5 follow-up visits within 14 days post-emergency
Mental health emergency coverage One annual doctor’s visit and one general eye exam
Ground, air or sea ambulance Other professional medical services
Emergency dental services Maternity
Private duty nursing Accidental Death & Dismemberment accident coverage up to:
  • Air flight/common carrier: $10,000
  • 24-hour Accident: $10,000
Fracture treatment Prescription medications
* At Danforth Insurance, we offer comprehensive insurance plans that come with exclusive benefits during your stay in Canada. However, it is important to note that every insurance plan has its limitations, exclusions, conditions, and other terms that may impact the reimbursement you are entitled to. To gain a deeper understanding of our policies, please take a moment to review our detailed policy wordings

21st Century Plan Benefits

Benefits Basic Standard Enhanced
Medical services Medical card received from physician in or out of hospital (conditions apply*) Medical card received from physician in or out of hospital (conditions apply*) Medical card received from physician in or out of hospital (conditions apply*)
Basic diagnostic services Lab tests required by physicians to determine a medical condition Lab tests required by physicians to determine a medical condition Lab tests required by physicians to determine a medical condition
Advanced diagnostic services cardiac catheterization, angioplasty, and/or cardiovascular surgery including any associated test(s) or charges, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computerized axial tomography (CAT) scans, sonograms, ultrasounds or biopsies if approved by our assistance centre * cardiac catheterization, angioplasty, and/or cardiovascular surgery including any associated test(s) or charges, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computerized axial tomography (CAT) scans, sonograms, ultrasounds or biopsies if approved by our assistance centre * cardiac catheterization, angioplasty, and/or cardiovascular surgery including any associated test(s) or charges, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computerized axial tomography (CAT) scans, sonograms, ultrasounds or biopsies if approved by our assistance centre *
Follow-up physician visits One follow-up per event of sickness or injury No limit No limit
Medical care Private registered nursing/ Licensed home care, rental of hospital bed, wheelchair or use of other medical appliances up to $5,000 following emergency insured services prescribed by physician. (conditions apply *) Private registered nursing/ Licensed home care, rental of hospital bed, wheelchair or use of other medical appliances up to $5,000 following emergency insured services prescribed by physician. (conditions apply *) Private registered nursing/ Licensed home care, rental of hospital bed, wheelchair or use of other medical appliances up to $5,000 following emergency insured services prescribed by physician. (conditions apply *)
Prescribed medication prescription medications up to $500 and not exceeding a 30-day supply. Medication that can be purchased over the counter is not covered. prescription medications up to $500 and not exceeding a 30-day supply. Medication that can be purchased over the counter is not covered. prescription medications up to $500 and not exceeding a 30-day supply. Medication that can be purchased over the counter is not covered.
Pre-existing medical coverage Not covered Not covered If conditions existed in 180 days prior to effective date Covered if conditions existed and stable in 180 days prior to effective date.
Hospital stay semi-private room when available and intensive care unit when medically necessary semi-private room when available and intensive care unit when medically necessary semi-private room when available and intensive care unit when medically necessary
Emergency ground transport Licensed local ambulance service Licensed local ambulance service Licensed local ambulance service
Emergency air transport if our medical advisor and your physician recommends then we will pay for one or more of the following:
  • air ambulance
  • cost effective economy class fare for return to your home country
  • return air fare for medical attendant if necessary
  • stretcher fare on a commercial flight if necessary
  • (conditions apply *)
if our medical advisor and your physician recommends then we will pay for one or more of the following:
  • air ambulance
  • cost effective economy class fare for return to your home country
  • return air fare for medical attendant if necessary
  • stretcher fare on a commercial flight if necessary
  • (conditions apply *)
if our medical advisor and your physician recommends then we will pay for one or more of the following:
  • air ambulance
  • cost effective economy class fare for return to your home country
  • return air fare for medical attendant if necessary
  • stretcher fare on a commercial flight if necessary
  • (conditions apply *)
Dental Accident coverage Not available Up to $4,000 coverage if dental treatment is necessitated as a result of accidental blow to your face. Up to $4,000 coverage if dental treatment is necessitated as a result of accidental blow to your face.
Dental pain relief Not available Up to $300 acute dental pain for which you have not previously received treatment or advice Up to $300 acute dental pain for which you have not previously received treatment or advice
Accidental Death and Dismemberment Not available Up to $25,000 coverage Up to $25,000 coverage
Healthcare practioners accupuncturist, chiropractor, physiotherapist accupuncturist, chiropodist, chiropractor, osteopath, physiotherapist, podiatrist accupuncturist, chiropodist, chiropractor, osteopath, physiotherapist, podiatrist
Side Trip Coverage provides coverage in any other country (excluding your county of origin) you are travelling before your arrival to Canada or departure from Canada (conditions apply *) provides coverage in any other country (excluding your county of origin) you are travelling before your arrival to Canada or departure from Canada (conditions apply *) provides coverage in any other country (excluding your county of origin) you are travelling before your arrival to Canada or departure from Canada (conditions apply *)
90 day provision Not available Reinstatement of coverage for a second claim related to the same condition Reinstatement of coverage for a second claim related to the same condition

* At Danforth Insurance, we offer comprehensive insurance plans that come with exclusive benefits during your stay in Canada. However, it is important to note that every insurance plan has its limitations, exclusions, conditions, and other terms that may impact the reimbursement you are entitled to. To gain a deeper understanding of our policies, please take a moment to review our detailed policy wordings: