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You are eligible for insurance plan if you have none of the following conditions:

  • are travelling against the advice of a physician.
  • have been diagnosed with a terminal illness with less than 6 months to live.
  • you have a kidney condition requiring dialysis.
  • you have used home oxygen during the 12 months prior to the date of application.


Are you eligible?

Sorry you are not eligibile for insurance plan due to your medical condition. Please try again later.

Travel Insurance for Canadians

Our travel insurance products are designed to make your travel worry-free and enjoyable worldwide. We offer a variety of options for Canadian residents, including our all-inclusive Package Tour (Plan E) or separate plans (Plan A, Plan B, and Plan C). These plans cover a range of benefits, such as trip cancellation, trip interruption, misconnection, delayed return, emergency medical assistance, baggage loss, and travel and flight accidents. With the flexibility to choose between our package tour or separate plans, you can tailor your coverage to suit your travel needs and budget.

Why Choose Us?

  • Unbeatable rates and coverage for all ages.

  • Cost-effective package Tour (Plan E) to provide a comprehensive coverage related to emergency medical and trip issues.

  • Emergency medical coverage for stable pre-existing medical conditions.

  • Get a partial premium refund if you return home before the policy expires and no claims have been processed.
  • Discounts available for companions and family.

  • Policy cancellation – If you have not left home and purchased Plan B and/or Plan C.

  • 24/7 claim support


You are NOT eligible for coverage under the insurance plans we offer for travelling Canadians if:

  1. you have been advised by a physician not to travel; and/or
  2. you have been diagnosed with a terminal illness with less than 6 months to live; and/or
  3. you have a kidney condition requiring dialysis; and/or
  4. you have used home oxygen during the 12 months prior to the date of application

Pre-existing medical conditions are the sickness, disease, injury exists for which you are taking medication or treatment. Some examples of pre-existing medical conditions are BP, Heart, Diabetes, Lung, Cholesterol, etc.

I have pre-existing medical conditions. Am I covered by travel medical insurance?

  • Stable pre-existing conditions:  Plan B and E covers your pre-existing medical conditions provided these conditions are stable in the last three (3) months. Stable pre-existing condition means that no new symptoms or change in in symptoms have appeared, existing symptoms have not become worse and your physician have not recommended any new medication or new treatment. More details on medical insurance can be found in the policy wordings

  • Non-stable pre-existing conditions: We offer a Special Medical Underwriting Plan on call. Please call us at 647-350-0331 to inquire.

Premium Refund or Policy Cancellation:

  • We will only consider a request for premium refund and policy cancellation if you have NOT left on your trip and you purchased plan B (emergency medical) and/or plan C (baggage loss, travel and flight accident).

  • Cancellations or premium refunds are not available for plan A and E.

Premium partial refund request: 

  • If you return home before the expiry date on your insurance policy you may request refund of premium for unused coverage days. Note that premium refund request should ONLY be made if there is no claim or benefit already paid by the insurance policy. NO partial refund is available for plan A and E.

  • All refunds are subject to approval by 21st Century Travel Insurance Limited.

  • $25 policy administration fee will be charged for any refund request.

  • Refund request form

Insurance Benefits

Paclage Tour – Plan E

Package Tour includes (per insured):

  • Trip Cancellation: covers up to the Covered Amount PRIOR to departure (as provided by you at the time of purchasing plan) and unlimited After Departure coverage. 

  • Up to $5,000,000 Emergency Medical coverage. (learn more)

  • Up to $1,000 Baggage Loss or Damage.

  • Up to $500 Baggage Delay.

  • Up to $100 Lost or stolen passport, driver’s license, birth certificate or travel visa.

  • Up to $50,000 Travel Accident.

  • Up to $100,000 Flight Accident.

Covered amount prior to departure: This amount is provided by you (insurance buyer) that he/she wants to be covered prior to departure. For example, you purchased air ticket of $2,000 and want $2,000 to be covered in case of trip cancellation prior to your departure.

Note: In case of trip cancellation this plan covers up to the covered amount for unused travel travel arrangements paid for prior to departure, that are non-refundable & non-transferable to another travel date. (conditions apply *)

Separate Plans

Plan A – Trip cancelation, interruption, misconnection and delayed return coverage plan

Trip cancellation coverage starts at the time of policy purchased and trip interruption, misconnection & delayed return coverage starts on effective date of policy. There are three options available in Plan A for your convenience:

  •  Plan A – “$800 AD (After Departure)”: covering the Covered Amount PRIOR to departure (as provided by you at the time of purchasing plan) and $800 AFTER departure.

  • Plan A – “$1500 AD (After Departure)”: covering the Covered Amount PRIOR to departure (as provided by you at the time of purchasing plan) and $1500 AFTER departure.

  • Plan A – “Unlimited AD (After Departure)”: covering the Covered Amount PRIOR to departure (as provided by you at the time of purchasing plan) and unlimited coverage AFTER departure.

Covered amount prior to departure: This amount is provided by you (insurance buyer) that he/she wants to be covered prior to departure. For example, you purchased air ticket of $2,000 and want $2,000 to be covered in case of trip cancellation prior to your departure.

Note: In case of trip cancellation Plan A covers up to the covered amount for unused travel travel arrangements paid for prior to departure, that are non-refundable & non-transferable to another travel date. (conditions apply *)

* We provide insurance plans to cover trip cancellation, interruption, misconnection and delayed return plans with certain benefits for Canadian residents but all these plans have some limitations, exclusions, conditions, and other terms that may limit the reimbursement to which you are entitled. Please review these policy wordings for further details:

Plan B – Emergency medical coverage plan

  • Emergency medical plan covers you for the actual expenses incurred by you up to a maximum of $5,000,000 as a result of medical emergency during your trip only if these expenses are not covered under government health coverage or any other benefit plan.

  • Three types of medical insurance rates are available Basic, Preferred and Standard.

    • Basic: Coverage is for person under age 60 travelling for any period or age 60 to 74 travelling 30 days or less and no medical questionnaire is required. 

    • Preferred & Standard: For the ages above 60 years travelling for more than 30 days.

  • Following is the list of medical benefits under emergency medical plan​ provided by Plan B and Plan E:

Benefits Details Plan B Plan E
Emergency medical treatment Emergency medical treatment received from a physician (or dentist in case of dental emergency) in or out of hospital. Covered (In case of emergency MUST call the Assistance centre immediately **) Covered (In case of emergency MUST call the Assistance centre immediately **)
Hospital stay Semi-private hospital room (or intensive care unit) when necessary Covered (conditions apply **) Covered (conditions apply **)
Medical care Services of licensed private duty nurse while your stay in hospital in case of medical emergency. Covered (conditions apply **) Covered (conditions apply **)
Medical appliances Rental or purchase (whichever is less) of a hospital bed, wheelchair, brace, crutch or other medical appliance when necessary Covered (conditions apply **) Covered (conditions apply **)
Medical tests Tests needed to diagnose medical condition. All medical procedures and/or tests (e.g., MRI, MRCP, CAT Scan, CT Angiogram, Nuclear Stress Test, Angiogram or Cardiac Catheterization or any surgery) if approved. Covered (All these procedures MUST be authorized by the Assistance Centre in advance **) Covered (All these procedures MUST be authorized by the Assistance Centre in advance **)
Prescribed medication Drugs that are prescribed for you and are available only by prescription from a physician or dentist. Covered (conditions apply **) Covered (conditions apply **)
Professional services Care received from a licensed chiropractor, osteopath, physiotherapist, chiropodist or podiatrist. Covered (up to $300 by profession) Covered (up to $300 by profession)
Emergency ground transport Licensed ambulance service Covered (conditions apply **) Covered (conditions apply **)
Emergency air transport If approved or medical required we will pay for:
  • Extra cost of economy class fare via the most cost-effective itinerary.
  • A stretcher fare on a commercial flight.
  • Return cost of an economy class for a qualified attendant to accompany you.
  • Air ambulance cost.
Covered only if in case of medical emergency your treating physician or our medical advisors recommend you to return home. Covered only if in case of medical emergency your treating physician or our medical advisors recommend you to return home.
Dental pain relief In case of dental emergency we cover treatment for dental pain. Covered. Up to $300 coverage for the dental pain relief. Covered. Up to $300 coverage for the dental pain relief.
Extra expenses If medical emergency prevents you to return home or forces you to stay at location other than destination you originally planned we provide some coverage for your meals, hotel, phone calls and taxi. We reimburse up to $150 per day to a maximum of $1,500. We reimburse up to $300 per day to a maximum of $3,000.
** Above is the list of main benefits provided by our emergency medical plans B and E. Both emergency medical insurance plans provide certain benefits for Canadian residents but all benefits  have some limitations, exclusions, conditions, and other terms that may limit the reimbursement to which you are entitled. Please review these policy wordings for further details:

Plan C – Baggage loss, flight and travel accident plan (can be purchased with Plan A or B)

    • Coverage per insured includes:

      • Up to $1,000 Baggage Loss or Damage.

      • Up to $500 Baggage Delay.

      • Up to $100 Lost or stolen passport, driver’s license, birth certificate or travel visa.

      • Up to $50,000 Travel Accident.

      • Up to $100,000 Flight Accident.

Please review the policy wording for further details.